Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award – update # 5

Tonight I again took my daughter to a meeting and I had 3 hours to spare before picking her up. I had made plans to try and activate a National Park whilst I was waiting.

I drove up to One Tree Hill in the Dandenong Ranges National Park and parked next to the lower gate where I could throw an antenna into a tree.

After setting up my 20m dipole it was right on dusk. I had a listen around and heard a station calling CQ DX.

I called back and had a brief QSO with JQ1QKK. The QSO didn’t last long as my low power and the fast fading propagation killed it.

I called a little more and then swapped to an 80m dipole and called some more.

Not much luck on either band but at least I had made one contact, and that is enough to mark that National Park off my list.

Now I can update the map at National Park map.


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