Today the WIA published answers to some questions they had received regarding the 2 letter call sign ballot.
I was wrong in my earlier presumption that I could have kept VK3ZPF as well as getting a 2 letter call sign. It seems they don’t want anyone to be ‘hording’ call signs so you have to vary your existing 3 letter call sign if you win the ballot and get a two letter call sign.
They also clarified what may happen to any other two letter call signs that may become vacant between now and the end of the ballot. “the WIA expects that these two letter call signs will be treated by ACMA in exactly the same way as ACMA treated call signs before October 2005, that is, they will be available on a “first come, first served” basis”
So I can save the $59.74 and just apply to the ACMA for a licence variation on 25 October 2008 and ask for a two letter call sign then. This seems a lower cost option for me to try.
There were a few other questions answered as well and all the details are here.