French Island, The Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award and a hike in the sun.

This Saturday I am heading off on the ferry for the weekend to hike French Island along with 3 other members of the SRESU.

The purpose of the trip is, using VK3SAT, to activate the National Park for the Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award, make a scout camp to scout camp contact with VI2AJ2010 and enjoy a good hike in an area none of use have been before.

We are hoping to keep the following skeds;

Band Frequency Local UTC
17m 18.130 1500 0400
20m 14.280 1530 0430
30m 10.120 1600 0500
40m 7.080 1800 0700
80m 3.680 2100 1000
Sunday10January2010 Band Frequency Local UTC 80m 3.680 0800 2100 40m 7.080 0900 2200 30m 10.120 1000 2300 20m 14.280 1100 0000 17m 18.130 1200 0100

I will be taking along my FT-7, a full wave quad loop for 20m, and a 1/4 wave ground plane for 40m. Others on the trip will be taking antennas for 17, 20, 30, 40 and 80m along with two other radios so we will have the lower HF bands well covered.

From the island we also have access to a few repeaters with IRLP so we may even use the Jamboree IRLP node.

The weather forecast for nearby towns predicts 27 and 28 degrees for both days so it will be warm but not ridiculously hot. I have been warned that the mosquitoes and flies on the island can be very annoying so I am packing tropical strength insect repellent to try and remain bite free.

I haven’t packed yet but I can do that tomorrow night and anything I am missing I can pick up on the way.


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