Every two years since 1949, Commonwealth leaders have met at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) to discuss global and Commonwealth issues, and to agree on collective policies and initiatives. In 2011, they will be meeting in Perth, Western Australia.

To celebrate this event, the Scout Member Amateur Radio Team have been awarded the rights to use the special event callsign VI6CHOGM, between the 28th – 30th October 2011, the dates that the meeting will be underway in Perth.

SMART plan to run a station across as many modes and bands as possible, to allow as many fellow amateurs to make contact. SMART are also inviting other keen operators to join us at the event, as well as scout members.
The team will be operating from the Peter Hughes Scout Communications Centre, located in East Cannington (Grid EM17IQ, LAT 37.682 / Long -97.314).
PHSCC is a well-equipped centre featuring radio shack, scout hall, antenna farm, computer lab and camping grounds (yes, SMART do plan to camp on-site).


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