Last weekend saw lots of activity around SOTA summits and National Parks with Peter VK3PF, Wayne VK3WAM and Allen VK3HRA all activating summits and/or National Parks.
I am heading west this weekend with four National Parks in sight. All times given below are local VK3 times (GMT + 10 hours).
First stop is Cobboboonee National Park. I’ll be on air Friday night 1900 – 2000 and again Saturday morning 0730 – 0830.
Second stop is the Lower Glenelg National Park on Saturday morning between 1000 and 1200.
Third park is Mount Richmond National Park on Saturday afternoon 1330 – 1500.
Last stop is Mount Eccles National Park. Saturday afternoon 1700 – 1930 and maybe again on Sunday morning 0600 – 0630.
For those chasing SOTA I will be climbing Mt Napier VK3/VS-046 looking for 1 point and on air Sunday 0800 – 0900.
At all locations look for me around 3610, 7110, 14190, 21290 and 28480 kHz.
For the National Parks I will be running 50 Watts. On Mt Napier I will be QRP with the FT817. All activations will use the ‘ZPF special‘ antenna, of course!