Saturday 25 October and Sunday 26 October was the CQWW DX Contest for 2008.
At the start of 2008 I had made bookings at the Gilwell Park scout camp for a few contests, including CQWW DX.
However coming a week after JOTA I thought my chances of a leave pass two weekends in a row were pretty slim.
As it was the camp needed the building where the antennas terminate and the other operators who were going to help a multi operator – multi transmitter station had other things on.
I also had commitments all day Saturday and all day Sunday leaving me very little time to try any contesting from home, where I have poor antennas for a range of reasons.
I have an FT757 on the bench at present that is just a little sick so I started fixing that and gave it a try on air.
Although the display is not good and I was only guessing where I was exactly I made a few contacts.
In summary:
- 160 m: QSO = 0, Points = 0, Zones = 0
- 80 m: QSO = 6, Points = 5, Zones = 4
- 40 m: QSO = 14, Points = 22, Zones = 6
- 20 m: QSO = 13 Points = 23, Zones = 7
- 15 m: QSO = 0, Points = 0, Zones = 0
- 10 m: QSO = 0, Points = 0, Zones = 0
- 33 QSO in total and a huge score of 1650 points
But I did get the radio working a little better.
There is always next year.