Tonight I managed to combine two blog recent topics into one event.
I have been looking around the bands after dinner most nights for VK100WIA and it had been quite a while since I had heard it.
I found Garry, VK3KYF, running the call sign from Mildura and he was a very strong signal on the FT 757. So I switched over to my MKARS80 and gave him a call there. It took 4 or 5 tries before I got through as I was always just under another station but, with perseverance I was able to make the contact. Garry was running 350 watts, I was running 5 Watts. Garry gave me a 5 X 7 and I was pleased with that. Of course, I gave Garry 5 X 9 +30.
I am now half way to the WIA centenary award.