Not so.
Another product of being ‘spotted’ is some operators, who may or may not be able to see I am in a QSO, will call and call and call, often wiping out the DX station I am working. I consider this to be rude behaviour. If you call once and don’t get a response I think it is good manners to wait and see if the stations you want acknowledges your call or calls CQ again. If they don’t call CQ again then move on and work somebody else, or wait until the do. As a rule I work rude stations last.
Incidentally I’ve taken to running two PSK programs now. I use Hamscope as my primary tool for receiving and transmitting and keep DM780, part of the HRD suite, in Super Browser mode running in the background. Where I have trouble resolving a callsign on Hamscope I can look at DM780 for a second opinion. DM780 also helps when looking for stations calling CQ as the Super Browser displays many signals at the same time allowing me to then move Hamscope to the station of interest.
With so much DX activity I have almost run out of QSL cards. I have placed a second order with Gennady UX5UO and I should have more cards soon. This will probably mean a delay of a couple of weeks in me getting my cards to the QSL bureau but I’m sure there are enough other delays in the bureau system that no one will be too bothered.
With the good DX conditions I have also looked around on SSB every now and then and worked some good contacts there as well but the urban noise at home still makes this an uphill battle.