Mt Selma activation VK3/VT-013

After driving down on Sunday 8 December 2013 from my overnight activation at Mt Tamboritha to Licola I decided I had enough time to head over and activate SOTA summits Mt Selma VK3/VT-013 and Mt Useful VK3/VT-016.

I arrived at Mt Selma just after 9 am and, working to a tight schedule, planned to be on air for only 15  minutes. After getting the antenna in a dead tree I sat and started calling. I soon stod up as the summit is crawling with ants. I have never seen so many ants in one place. Even standing and walking around they were climbing up my shoes and legs. Very annoying!

2013-12-08 10.27.12

Antenna in the trees

After calling for five or six minutes, and posting a spot on Sotawatch, I had no response. This was most unusual as normally on 40 metres once the spot hits the web a small pile up will commence.  Peter VK3YE eventually answered my call. His comment was something like “I had trouble tuning you in until I realised you were on Upper Sideband.” At some point I had changed from lower to upper sideband which explained why I had no response to my earlier calls. Changing to LSB saw the usual chaser crowd and I worked 20 stations in 14 minutes.

Leaving Mt Silma I headed Mt Useful but I had run out of time for an activation and drove past the access track leaving it for another time.



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