Today was a Public Holiday and I went hiking with Tom and Kath, whom I have know for about 15 years, and two friends of theirs. The hike was from Donnellys Weir up to Mt St Leonard and back to Donnellys Weir. All up the journey was 23.6 km with total climb of nearly 1300 metres. This was a tough walk in the park! I’ve activated VK3/VC-006 Mt St Leonard before in 2013.
We left the weir about 7:15 am and made it to the Mt St Leonard summit at 12:30 pm. Whilst the others in the hike party were enjoying the view and having lunch I was able to get 4 quick contacts on 2m. One contact with Glenn VK3YY was a summit to summit with Glenn being over at Andrew Hill VK3/VN-020. Mt St Leonard is also within the Yarra Rages National Park, VKFF-0556.
After lunch we walked back down to the weir arriving at about 4:30 pm. this is, without doubt, the toughest SOTA activation I have done so far.