The WIA Centenary call sign VK100WIA seems to be Missing In Action (or should that be in-action).

After much fanfare and activity the WIA had logged 979 QSO, according to the WIA log book, in the first 6 days. However qrz.com reports 1,000 QSO by 19 May.
Either way the call sign was getting a good workout until last Thursday. Nothing has been logged or reported on DX summit since 20 May 2010.

It could well be that it is being worked heavily on the VHF and UHF circuits around Sydney and lots of hams are getting the call sign in their logs and the online log is lagging behind.

I’m hoping to work VK100WIA often enough to qualify for the WIA Centenary Award before the SRESU gets use of the call sign in the lead up to JOTA.

I will keep an eye out on the bands and at DX summit and hopefully catch the call nine more times to qualify.


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