Another digital mode – SSTV

A ham friend of mine, Bob VK6POP, had talked about SSTV when I was over in Perth early in 2009. It was the same time that I was introduced to PSK31.

Having already made an interface for PSK31 and with that mode working well, I did a little research on where I might be able to receive some SSTV signals and what software I should use. I emailed Bob and asked him and he recommended MMSSTV as a good place to start.

MMSSTV can be downloaded from here. Within a few hours I was receiving SSTV images on 14.230 MHz using the FT757 GX.

On the same day I also gave sending a go and after only two CQ SSTV images I had a reply from Robert, VK4LHD.

After VK4LHD I got an image from VK6POP.

Since then I have received many images and had 8 good quality QSO with other VK stations on SSTV.

There are a few websites that upload SSTV images as received and these can be good to see who can receive your pictures and how well.

Peter, VK6AAL has a pictorial summary of SSTV websites in Australasia, and other SSTV websites around the world hosted on his website.

Robert, VK4MOD also has SSTV website in Australia on his website.

John, KE5RS has more than 100 SSTV websites on show. His site takes a while to load if you have a slow Internet connection but it sure shows a variety of images from all round the globe.

Keep an eye out for me on 14.230 MHz USB SSTV.


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